Sunday, March 31, 2013

New Ideas from a New Life

It's been a very long absence since I last posted. Something having to do with a plan to leave Seattle and move my life back down to sunny Phoenix seemed to derail what I was trying to accomplish here. Which was to attract readers interested in learning about how to work with makeup and use it to their advantage. I've since made said move to Phoenix and am off on something new and expanded from the "Bad Kitty" concept's original intent. I've fallen head-over-heels in love with fashion. And I want to help you learn to put an entire look together, from your face to your feet.

At the moment, Nordstrom at Scottsdale Fashion Square is the place I go five days a week to play with clothes, shoes and accessories. The women who come to my department are my real life Barbies (and yes, some do look the part, parts and all) with whom I play hours of dress-up and explore my talent for look creation, and self-image boosting. Things are coming together for me. I've come to the realization that my counseling psychology background plus eye for fashion are a perfect match. Because many women (most?) struggle with body-image issues, insecurity about aging, and a fixation on negative (real or imagined) physical attributes, I have a unique opportunity to connect with them on a level deeper than apparel choices. I'm doing the market research at Nordstrom, and working on some ideas for putting it all together into a career.

Stay tuned, as I plan to breathe new life into Bad Kitty and make it about more than faces. I hope you'll check back in with me and stay in touch!

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